This blog contains, but isn't limited to, graphic sexual horror, BDSM, sex, robots, science, food, rock climbing, bouldering, politics and general bric-a-brac. Not suitable for children under 18. Honestly, probably not suitable for most humans.

Monday, June 25, 2012

30 Days of Rope Bondage-Day 1

I know Daddy and I tend to start a lot of projects and rarely go through with them (remember the short lived Shibaricon Boot Camp?...yeah, I barely remember it as well), but we decided after much discussion that a 30 Days of Rope Bondage is necessary. We've gotten lazy and in a bondage rut, almost always defaulting to a basic TK or a 3 transition suspension performance (face down, inverted, face up...snoozefest).

The goal of the next 30 days is to push both of us to our edges as Tops and bottoms, to think creatively and to really work on our artistry. Just in time for the guerrilla rigging season, too. Nothing says mediocrity than repeating oneself over and over. We want to prove that we're not just a cut-rate version of NYC rope bomb or the notorious Murphy Blue, who, for the record, is an amazing person, sexy rigger and all around bro. I really dig him and his take on rigging, rope and the art of being a sexy beast.

Anyways, here are the photos from Day 1. Also, another goal by the end of these 30 days is to learn how to edit a damn picture. I have no idea what I'm doing.

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