This blog contains, but isn't limited to, graphic sexual horror, BDSM, sex, robots, science, food, rock climbing, bouldering, politics and general bric-a-brac. Not suitable for children under 18. Honestly, probably not suitable for most humans.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Spring Break is Full of Puppies!

Just to show you that my life doesn't revolve around BDSM, I adopted a sweet little pitbull this past weekend. She was literally rescued from someone's backyard. Her previous owners no longer wanted her because she was knocking over their son because she had too much energy. They were planning on just setting free in the woods or selling her as bait for dog fighters: how awful is that!?

She's got the sweetest disposition I've seen and she adores Cha Siu. He isn't used to the puppy and doesn't like her energy level, but he's starting to warm up to her. We decided to name her Akira, or Kira for short.

Here are some oh-so-cute pictures of the two of them. Prepared to "awwwwwww" yourselves to death.

And yes, I am aware they are both flagging for fisting. Daddy and I don't really follow hanky codes (Daddy doesn't even like calling them hankies-"These are fucking bandannas!"), but I do occasionally wear a green band and a grey band on my right wrist, Daddy-little and bondage respectively, just because it's incredibly obvious that my relationship with Daddy revolves around those two aspects.

Wait, how did this post turn towards kink again? Well, since we're on the subject...

After I posed my IDGI post, I got a lot of excellent responses from people who peruse my blog and on fetlife. Unfortunately, I still don't get it. I'll write a more detailed response to it later.

Since we managed to stumble back to kink, here is a picture of Daddy and me playing last weekend.

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